Tuesday 21 March 2017

Welcome to A-Level Digest!

We are here for those who are in need with their A-level studies! Simply choose the subjects you wish to study by clicking on the options above.

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem and welcome.

The subjects available are Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics. Feel free to download and share to others. Keep in mind that these notes serve as your revision only, try to do as many past years as you can and also refer to your own current notes.

Some tips for the upcoming exams:-

1) Revise early and also organise yourself. (You should already be prepared about a month before exam).

2) Note down important points for every topic and we suggest you to make your own notes as well.

3) Don't skip your breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast helps improve your concentration and productivity throughout the day.

4) Always seek help from your tutors as well as trusted peers to have a better understanding on the topics you might not understand clearly. This will surely benefit you.

5) Don't get frustrated if you cannot answer the question the first time. Move on to the following questions and get back to it later on. Time can be a friend as well as an enemy in the exam.

6) Have all your stationary with you, you don't want to lose marks on drawing just because you forgot to bring your ruler. These little things can cause a domino effect on your grades if you don't prepare early.

7) Have a balance between studying, exercise, and sleeping. Studying too much is not good for you.

8) Don't get stressed too much. Plan your week by allocating your study times and leisure times. Exams are meant to squeeze everything about you, but at the end of the day its up to you to succeed.

9) It is okay to push yourself to do better,and compete with your fellow peers, but don't get too carried away that you end up reacting in a way that is unfavourable once the unwanted happens.

10) Along your studies, failure is natural. It happens to everyone, take it as a stepping stone to achieve something better. You only fail when you stop trying to achieve better than before.

11) For the Muslims students, remember to do your 5-daily prayers and always ask help and guidance from Allah (SWT) in everything you are facing.

12) Don't be afraid to participate in class discussions. From this, you can spot your weaknesses and improve from it and you will be able to concentrate more in the class.

13) Make time for your family especially your parents. Respect them and seek for their forgiveness if you done anything wrong to them.

14) Exams are difficult, we understand. But with perseverance and diligence the end results are very satisfying.

We are former A-Level students from PTEM, PTES and Maktab Duli and we are honored to help you! Huge thanks to all former students that helped in making this website possible and I hope the best for you guys in the future.

We wish goodluck and all the best to all who are going to sit for their exams. Allah Yuftah Alaikum.

Disclaimer: The main objective of this blog is to give a helping hand to the students, all of these notes were made by former students by refering to notes that we made/given during our studies, do forgive us if some of the notes are incomplete or filled with mistakes. Feel free to point out any mistakes you may find in the notes by emailing us and we will try to correct it, InsyaAllah.

For share:


  1. This really helps me a lot! I will definitely be glad and I appreciate it if your team add psychology on the subjects list. Please consider my request.. Thank you in advance! :-)
